Here is the G.O. of Tamilnadu Physiotherapy Council published in year 2009.
However, it was opposed by Physiotherapists as it had many injust clauses.
Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2039
Aavani 23
Dated 9.9.2009
Annexure to G.O. (Ms) No.338 Health and Family Welfare Department
Dated 16.10.2008
with Amendments G.O (Ms) No.281 Dated 09-09-2009
of Health and Family Welfare (Z1) Department. (Full Text)
The following amendments are in the Annexure to G.O. (Ms) No: 338 of Health and Family Welfare Department dated 16.10.2008 and amendments G.O.(Ms) No.281 dated 9.9.2009. The contents of the above said Government Order Annexure, Clauses and Sub Clauses may be read as follows.
This Council may be Called Tamil Nadu State Council for Physiotherapy.
It extends to the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu.
“Council” means the Tamil Nadu State Council for Physiotherapy.
“Government” means Government of Tamil Nadu.
“Physiotherapy” means health care profession which includes examination, treatment, advice and instructions to any person preparatory to or for the purpose of or in connection with movement dysfunction, bodily malfunction, physical disorder, disability, healing and pain from trauma and disease, physical and mental conditions using physical agents including exercise, mobilization, manipulation, mechanical and electrotherapy, activity and devices or diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Register means the Register of Physiotherapists maintained by the Council.
“Physiotherapist” means a person who possesses recognized physiotherapy education and whose name has been entered in the Register of Physiotherapy Council. He shall not use “Dr” before his name and prescribe drugs.
The Government shall constitute a Council which will be called the “Tamil Nadu State Council for Physiotherapy” consisting of the following members namely;
A President to be appointed by the Government from among the members registered in the Council.
A Vice President to be appointed by the Government from among the members registered in the Council.
An Officer not below the rank of Deputy Director of Medical and Rural Health Services to be nominated by the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services to represent the Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services.
An Officer not below the rank of Deputy Director to be nominated by the Director of Medical Education to represent the Directorate of Medical Education.
An Officer not below the rank of Deputy Registrar or Deputy Controller to represent the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
A member to be nominated by the President of the Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
Four members to be elected from among the members registered as Physiotherapists in the Council.
Two members to be nominated by the Government from among the teaching faculty in Government Institutions teaching Physiotherapy for a period of three years.
Two members to be nominated by the Government from among the teaching faculty in recognized teaching Physiotherapy Institutions (other than Government Institutions) for a period of three years.
Two members to be nominated by the Government to represent such Organizations which can represent the interest of Physiotherapy.
2. Notwithstanding anything containing in Para 3.1
In respect of the Constitution of the Council for the first time the members thereof including the President and the Vice President shall be nominated by the Government from amongst persons qualified to be elected or nominated as members.
The members so nominated shall hold the office for a period not exceeding three years and later replaced by the elected members.
Election shall be conducted in the specified manner and where any dispute arises regarding any such election, it shall be referred to the Government whose decision shall be final.
The Council shall meet at least once a year at such time and place as may be specified by the President.
No subject shall be taken up for deliberation at a meeting of the Council unless six members (including the President and Vice President) are present.
If within half-an hour after the time appointed for the meeting the required quorum is not available; the meeting shall stand adjourned to a date and time to be notified to the members by the presiding officer.
At least fifteen clear days’ notice, in writing, along with agenda proposed to be considered at a meeting of the Council shall be given to the members for holding an ordinary meeting.
The agenda of the meeting shall be settled by the Registrar in consultation with the President.
An extra-ordinary meeting of the Council shall be convened if a requisition in writing by not less than one-fifth of the total number of members of the Council is made to the Registrar Provided that such a meeting shall convened within seven clear days from the date the requisition is received by the Registrar.
Explanation: The expression “Clear days” in this section does not include the day of the issue and the day of the receipt on the notice.
1) The Council shall constitute from among its members an Executive Committee for such general or special purposes and for such tenure as the Council may consider necessary.
2) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members
a) President of the Council
b) Vice President of the Council
c) One Member representing Physiotherapists nominated by the President of the
d) Director of Medical Education
e) Director of Medical and Rural Health Services
3) The President and the Vice President of the Council shall be the Chairman and the Vice
Chairman respectively of the Executive Committee.
4) A member of the Executive Committee shall hold office until the expiry of his term of
office as member of the Council and he shall be eligible for re-nomination.
5) A member may resign his membership of the committee by writing under his hand
addressed t0 the President of the Committee and the vacancy shall be filled up in the
same manner in which that seat was filled in.
To coordinate and determine the standards of physiotherapy education at all levels (curriculum to be prescribed).
To regulate the practice of the profession by persons possessing recognized physiotherapy qualification.
c. To maintain the Registers of Physiotherapists qualification.
d. To assist the Government in regard to continuing education of registered Physiotherapists.
Every person possessing the qualification as Physiotherapist on payment of such fees as may be specified in this behalf by council from time to time be entitles to have his/het name entered in the register subject to such condition as the Council may impose.
The application for registration shall be accompanied by all documents required to be produced as specified in the form.
The application for registration shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Council. He / She will scrutinize the same and place it before the Council in the next meeting for its approval.
The Council may require any candidate to appear before them in support of any statement made by him/her in his/her application to furnish such other particulars as may be required.
If the Government is of the opinion that the Council is unable to perform, or has persistently made default in the performance of the duty imposed on it by or has exceeded or abused its powers, or has willfully or without sufficient cause failed to comply with any direction issued by the Government the Government may, by order suspend or supersede the Council for such period as may be specified in the said order.
Provided that before issuing such order, the Govt shall give a reasonable opportunity to council show cause why it should not be suspended or superseded and after considering the explanation and objections, if any, of the Council and pass such orders as they deem fit.
Upon the issue of such orders of superseding the council:-
All the members of the Council shall, notwithstanding that their term of office had not expired, as from the date of supersession, vacate their offices as such members;
All the powers and duties be exercised or performed by or on behalf of the Council shall, during the period of suspension or supersession exercised and performed by such person or persons as the Government may direct.
All property vested in the Council shall, during the period of supersession, vest in the Government.
For the purpose of discharge council functions effectively the council after approval of the Government, may appoint a Registrar, Officer and other staff which are considered necessary.
The Registrar, Officer or the employees appointed by the Council shall be subject to such condition of service and entitles to such remuneration as may be determined by the regulation to be framed in this behalf.
The Registrar shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council.
The Director of Medical Education, Chennai-10
The Director of Medical and Rural Health Service, Chennai-6
The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6
Copy to
The Indian Association of Physiotherapists, Chennai