This site is dedicated to all the Physiotherapists of the world who make the world a more beautiful place to live by treating,rehabilitating the patients.
elbow pain is a common complaint in many sports physiotherapy and
physical therapy practices around the world. It is likely that this
will surprise no-one. Lateral epicondylalgia,
the most common cause of lateral elbow pain, has an annual prevalence
of 1% to 2% in the general public (Shiri et al., 2006). Such a
complaint is even more common in many groups of athletes (Hume et al.,
2006; Mackay et al., 2003).
However, this is not an article about tennis elbow. It is about
radial tunnel syndrome, a condition which has been suggested to be the
main aetiopathogenetic (what a word) element in 4% of lateral
epicondylalgia cases (Jalovaara & Lindholm, 1989). Interestingly,
it causes headaches for the therapist in 100% of cases. This is because
whilst radial tunnel syndrome is rare, it is challenging to
differentially diagnose and can be a monster to manage. If you have a
recalcitrant case of tennis elbow then this post will interest you!
This article discusses the best available evidence for assessment and
management of this condition.
Whilst this condition is more common than we may think, it seems to be
underappreciated within the world of physiotherapy. This is a disorder
that ranges from inconvenience for some to truly disabling to others
(Manske et al., 2004). Of even greater interest is that it is related
to many sports including swimming, baseball pitching and
weight-training. Thus, this article will discuss snapping scapula
syndrome including what it is, why it occurs and what you need to do to
fix it!
As a sports physiotherapist, it is important that you not only
rehabilitate athletes but ensure that they are fully fit to return to
play. As many of you are fully aware, objective measures such us a full
active range of motion does not determine an athlete’s readiness to
RTP. Accordingly, a comprehensive assessment of an athlete’s function,
via functional performance testing, becomes an absolute assessment
necessity. This article will discuss current research on the the role
and implementation of functional performance testing, as well as some
tests that you may use in your own clinical practice.
Ankle sprains are very common in the practice of sports physiotherapy.
However, unfortunately many patients go on to have long term problems.
This has lead to the development of many proposed treatments and
rehabilitation programs. This article will discuss new research into
the use of manual therapy techniques combined with exercises for the
rehabilitation of inversion ankle sprains.
Before Jon Cornish’s head hit the ground and the Calgary Stampeders
running back was left motionless on the McMahon Stadium turf, there was
a terrifying moment when his neck snapped back.
The concussion that followed has kept the Stamps star sidelined ever since.
While common medical practice suggests the best way for athletes to
recover from similar injuries is rest and a gradual build-up of
physical exertion, a new study from the University of Calgary suggests
hands-on physiotherapy could speed up the road to recovery.
The study was conducted by Kathryn Schneider, a researcher and
physiotherapist at U of C’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Sport Injury
Prevention Research Center.
Its findings could change the way concussions are treated, as they
suggest that people suffering from prolonged post-concussion symptoms
could have their recovery times decreased through a combined
physiotherapy treatment of the vestibular (balance) system, the
cervical spine and vertebrae in the neck.
“We specifically targeted the individuals who had dizziness, neck
pain and/or headaches following concussions,” said Schneider, whose
study was published in the British Journal of Sport Medicine.
“The general consensus is an initial period of rest is of benefit,
and the majority of people do recover in that initial seven-to-10 day
period, so it would be following that initial time period where if
individuals still had symptoms that persisted this would be a treatment
that would be of benefit.”
The study focused on 31 patients who were still suffering from
symptoms after the initial seven-to-10 day recovery period. They were
divided into two groups: One that went through a standard vestibular
rehabilitation, and another that combined the vestibular rehabilitation
with cervical spine physiotherapy.
The findings were striking.
The group that went through the combined treatment saw 73% of
participants medically cleared within eight weeks, compared with just
7% of the standard group.
“I started to see a lot of athletes in the clinic and could see some
positive results within a clinical environment but there’s no research
currently evaluating the response to forms of physiotherapy treatment
following concussions,” Schneider said. “We weren’t sure of the
magnitude of the effect we might see.
“We did see a large difference between the groups — it was greater than what we had initially hypothesized it might be.”
Despite the clear difference between the two groups, there’s still
lots of research that’s needed. After all, 31 people is a small sample
size, and Schneider says future studies will need to examine how
variables like age and gender might have on outcomes, as well as the
ideal timing and dosage.
Concussions are also highly individual-specific, so no one at the U
of C is suggesting they’ve stumbled on a one-size-fits-all treatment.
One major variable that can affect recovery time is whether a
patient’s had a history of concussions, as symptoms often get worse and
recoveries take longer when a patient’s been concussed before.
The U of C research, however, seemed to work just as well on those
with a concussion history as those who were suffering through the
injury for the first time.
“We don’t have the numbers to really understand the effects that a
previous concussion has on the effects of this study, but in the
treatment group everybody that recorded a previous history of
concussion was medically cleared to return to sport,” Schneider said.
The burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) has been described as “a
public health emergency in slow motion” by the United Nations (UN)
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the World Economic Forum
considers chronic diseases in both high and low resource countries to
be a major risk to the global economy. However, all NCDs can either
be prevented or, if identified early, treated and managed in a way that
significantly reduces disability, financial and societal costs, and
prolongs healthy years of life.
Groin/hip injuries occur frequently in the athletic population,
particularly in sports requiring kicking, twisting, turning and rapid
acceleration and deceleration. Chronic hip, buttock and groin pain make
up 10% of all attendances to sports medicine centres. Understanding
risk factors for field-based sports (FBS) players is important in
developing preventive measures for injury. The objective of this
systematic review was to identify and examine the evidence for
groin/hip injury risk factors in FBS. 14 electronic databases were
searched using keywords. Studies were included if they met the
inclusion criteria and investigated one or more risk factors with
relation to the incidence of groin/hip injuries in FBS. Studies were
accumulated and independently analysed by two reviewers under a
12-point quality assessment scale (modified CASP (for cohort study
design) assessment scale). Because of the heterogeneity of studies and
measures used, a meta-analysis could not be conducted. As a result risk
factors were pooled for analysis and discussion. Of the 5842
potentially relevant studies, 7 high-quality studies were included in
this review. Results demonstrated that previous groin/hip injury was
the most prominent risk factor, identified across four studies (OR
range from 2.6 (95% CI 1.1 to 6.11) to 7.3, (p=0.001)), followed by
older age (OR 0.9, p=0.05) and weak adductor muscles (OR 4.28, 95% CI
1.31 to 14.0, p=0.02) each identified in two studies. Eight other
significant risk factors were identified once across the included
This study identified 11 significant risk factors for groin/hip
injury for FBS players. The most prominent risk factor observed was
previous groin/hip injury. Future research should include a prospective
study of a group of FBS players to confirm a connection between the
risk factors identified and development of groin/hip injuries.
investigate whether feedback inducing an external focus (EF) of
attention (about movement effects) was more effective for retraining
reach-to-grasp after stroke compared with feedback inducing an internal
focus (IF) of attention (about body movement). It was predicted that
inducing an EF of attention would be more beneficial to motor
Crossover trial where participants were assigned at random to two feedback order groups: IF followed by EF or EF followed by IF.
Research laboratory.
Forty-two people with upper limb impairment after stroke.
performed three reaching tasks: (A) reaching to grasp a jar; (B)
placing a jar forwards on to a table; and (C) placing a jar on to a
shelf. Ninety-six reaches were performed in total over one training
Main outcome measures
measures were collected using motion analysis. Primary outcome measures
were movement duration, peak velocity of the wrist, size of peak
aperture and peak elbow extension.
inducing an EF of attention produced shorter movement durations {first
feedback order group: IF mean 2.53 seconds [standard deviation (SD)
1.85]; EF mean 2.12 seconds (SD 1.63), mean difference 0.41 seconds;
95% confidence interval -0.68 to 1.5; P = 0.008}, an increased percentage time to peak deceleration (P = 0.01) when performing Task B, and an increased percentage time to peak velocity (P
= 0.039) when performing Task A compared with feedback inducing an IF
of attention. However, an order effect was present whereby performance
was improved if an EF of attention was preceded by an IF of attention.
inducing an EF of attention may be of some benefit for improving motor
performance of reaching in people with stroke in the short term;
however, these results should be interpreted with caution. Further
research using a randomised design is recommended to enable effects on
motor learning to be assessed.
Educational Qualifications- Graduate in Physiotherapy from a
recognized Institution / University (minimum 50% marks) with 3 years’ post
qualification experience.
Last Date- 31st July, 2014
How to Apply-
·Eligible candidates can download the
application form from its official site. Online
application will be available till 26 July 2014.
·Generated Application duly signed by the
candidate along with self attested copies of all supportive documents shall
however be sent to the “Mission Directorate (NHM), Annex Building of
SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751012, District-Khurda (Odisha)”
so as to reach on or before 31 July 2014.
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any responsibility about the jobs. One should do proper inquiry before joining.
Severe fatigue is a common complaint among patients. Often, the fatigue is
transient or can be attributed to a definable organic illness. Some patients
present with persistent and disabling fatigue, but show no abnormalities on
physical examination or screening laboratory tests. In these cases, the
diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) should be considered.
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, USA)
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) currently is defined as:
(1) fatigue of at least 6 months' duration, seriously interfering with the
patient's life; and (2) without evidence of various organic or psychiatric
illnesses that can produce chronic fatigue.
The World Health Organization classifies myalgic
encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/cfs) as a nervous system
disease. Together with other diseases under the G93 heading, ME/cfs shares a
triad of abnormalities involving elevated oxidative and nitrosative stress
(O&NS), activation of immuno-inflammatory pathways, and mitochondrial
dysfunctions with depleted levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis.
Clinical features:
Elaborately CFS is characterized by debilitating fatigue with associated
myalgias, tender lymph nodes, arthralgias, chills, feverish feelings, and
postexertional malaise. According to Komaroff there may be abrupt onset with an
'infectious-like' illness, intermittent unexplained fevers, arthralgias and
'gelling' (stiffness), sore throats, cough, photophobia, night sweats, and
post-exertional malaise with systemic symptoms.
According to Clauw 4 of the following criteria need to be
present: sore throat, impaired memory or cognition, unrefreshing sleep,
postexertional fatigue, tender glands, aching stiff muscles, joint pain, and
While chronic, debilitating fatigue is common in medical outpatients, CFS is
relatively uncommon. Prevalence depends substantially on the case definition
It is known that CFS is a heterogeneous disorder possibly involving an interaction
of biologic systems. Medical research continues to examine the many possible
etiologic agents for CFS (infectious, immunologic, neurologic, and
psychiatric), but the answer remains elusive.
Diagnosis of CFS is primarily by exclusion with no definitive laboratory test
or physical findings.
Differential diagnosis should be considered carefully as
similarities with fibromyalgia & teperomadibular joint disorder exist and
concomitant illnesses include irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and headaches.
Course of CFS:
According to Komaroff the illness can last for years and is
associated with marked impairment of functional health status.
Therefore, treatment of CFS may be variable and should be tailored to each
patient. Therapy should include graded exercise (SF-36 is useful in assessing
functional status), diet, good sleep hygiene, antidepressants, and other
medications, depending on the patient's presentation.
It is noteworthy that for graded exercises to be implemented
one need to assess the exercise capacity of the individual.
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any responsibility about the jobs. One should do proper inquiry before joining.
Degree in Physiotherapy plus additional specialist training
or experience to post graduate diploma level or equivalent.
HCPC Registered Physiotherapist
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Salary Minimum- £25,783
Salary Maximum- £34,530
Grade Entry Qualifications Required
Degree in Physiotherapy plus additional specialist training
or experience to post graduate diploma level or equivalent. Memberships:
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and/or Health Professions Council.
Closing Date- 27 Jul 2014
Contact point for applicants-
Captain Michael Clarke
Telephone: Mil: 94275 4281 Civilian:01962 888 281
Email: DPHC(S)
Job Description-
Job Purpose:
• To provide a high standard of physiotherapy service to Service personnel
including highly specialist work in the musculo-skeletal/sports and training
injury area.
• To provide a positive caring environment, in which patients can expect a high
quality professional service.
• To provide full support to the line manager in ensuring the provision of a
comprehensive and professional physiotherapy/rehabilitation service for
entitled personnel. This will include undertaking highly skilled and specialist
Principle Duties and Responsibilities:
• To perform highly skilled physiotherapeutic assessment of patients referred
by Medical Officers, Consultants, or other Healthcare Professionals with
diverse presentations and complex and acute/chronic physical conditions and
sports injuries. To use clinical reasoning skills to provide an accurate
clinical diagnosis.
• To formulate, develop and deliver a specialised individualised treatment
programme based upon evidence based practice, manual assessment and appropriate
clinical reasoning.
• To communicate effectively with patients to ensure informed consent for assessment
and treatment, good understanding of their conditions and maximise their
rehabilitation potential. Patients may have barriers to communication e.g.
English as their second language.
• To advise the Medical Officers with regard to specialist physiotherapy
• To manage and prioritise own clinical caseload efficiently and effectively.
• The provision of clinical reports to supply clinical prognoses and
comprehensive discharge planning for other medical professionals and, where
appropriate the military CoC.
• Take an active role in monitoring clinical standards in the PCRF setting,
through regular formal in-service training, watched assessments, review of
complex patients, group practical sessions, tutorials and caseload reviews.
• To manage and prioritise own clinical caseload efficiently and effectively.
• To have professional and legal accountability to the Chartered Society of
Physiotherapy (CSP) ‘Standards of Practice, Health Care Professions Council
Standards of Proficiency, Conduct, Performance and Ethics’, Ministry of Defence
(MoD) local policies and tort law in all aspects of practice.
• Development and maintenance of your own personal, Service and Professional
Standards at the highest attainable levels through continuing professional
development activities and maintenance of a portfolio.
• Participate in the Knowledge Skills Framework (KSF) scheme and be responsible
for complying with agreed development programmes, including attendance at
appropriately planned and selected post-graduate courses.
• Use evidence-based practice, audit, outcome measures and published research
to inform, measure and evaluate your own work and current practice.
• To take part in and support any relevant audit and research activity.
• To maintain a high standard of confidentiality at all times.
• To act as an ambassador for the physiotherapy profession at all times.
Evidence of Hepatitis B immunity is required.
Reserved / Non Reserved post(s)
This is a Non Reserved post and is therefore open to UK, British Commonwealth
and European Economic Area (EEA) Nationals and certain non EEA members
What security level is required for this post?
Security Check
If you are a successful candidate you will be expected to
undertake the following level of security check:
- Security Check
If you are a successful candidate you will be expected to
undertake a Disclosure and Barring Security check
Working Pattern
This job/these jobs are full time and not suitable for part
time or job share applicants
Minimum Expected Tour Length
2 Years
Employment Terms: Hours
Competence 1
Additional Competency
Competence 1 - Detail
NHS Core 1: Communication
Competence 2
Additional Competency
Competence 2 - Detail
NHS Core 3: Health Safety and
Competence 3
Additional Competency
Competence 3 - Detail
NHS Core 4: Service Improvement
Competence 4
Additional Competency
Competence 4 - Detail
NHS Core 5: Quality
Competence 5
Additional Competency
Competence 5 - Detail
HWB1 Promotion of Health and
Competence 6
Additional Competency
Competence 6 - Detail
HWB6 Assessment and Treatment
Competence 7
Additional Competency
Competence 7 - Detail
HWB7 Interventions and
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There is an associated risk of depression in people who experience loss
of vision due to conditions such as age-related macular degeneration.
New research suggests that a particular type of rehabilitation therapy
called behavior activation could now reduce this risk by 50% .
A previous study published in JAMA Opthalmol. has reported that there
is a significant association between vision loss and depression, but
now new research has found that a form of rehabilitation therapy can
reduce this risk in people with AMD by half.
The new study
tested an approach called "behavior activation." According to study
co-author Robin Casten, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and
human behavior at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, behavior
activation is a method that involves helping people to recognize that
the loss of enjoyed activities could lead to depression, and then
helping them re-engage with those activities.
Wilson's disease is an inherited condition in which copper is not
excreted properly from the body. The excess copper can build up in the
liver and/or brain causing liver damage and/or neurological problems.
It can also collect in other parts of the body including the eyes and
the kidneys. Copper begins to accumulate immediately after birth
but the symptoms usually appear in the 2nd to 3rd decade. The first
signs are hepatic (liver) in about 40% of cases, neurological (brain)
in about 35% of cases and psychiatric, renal (kidney), haematological
(blood), or endocrine (glands) in the remainder.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms-
About half the people with Wilson's disease have neurological or
psychiatric symptoms. Most initially have mild cognitive deterioration
and clumsiness, as well as changes in behavior. Specific neurological
symptoms usually then follow, often in the form of parkinsonism with or without a typical hand tremor, masked facial expressions, slurred speech, ataxia or dystonia. Seizures and migraine appear to be more common in Wilson's disease. A characteristic tremor described as "wing-beating tremor" is
encountered in many people with Wilson's; this is absent at rest but
can be provoked by extending the arms. Cognition can also be affected in Wilson's disease. This comes in two, not mutually exclusive, categories: frontal lobe disorder (may present as impulsivity, impaired judgment, promiscuity, apathy and executive dysfunction with poor planning and decision making) and subcortical dementia (may present as slow thinking, memory loss and executive dysfunction, without signs of aphasia, apraxia or agnosia).
It is suggested that these cognitive involvements are related and
closely linked to psychiatric manifestations of the disease.
Psychiatric problems due to Wilson's disease may include behavioral changes, depression, anxiety and psychosis.Psychiatric symptoms are commonly seen in conjunction with neurological
symptoms and are rarely manifested on their own. These symptoms are
often poorly defined and can sometimes be attributed to other causes.
Because of this, diagnosis of Wilson's disease is rarely made when only
psychiatric symptoms are present.
is beneficial for patients with the neurologic form of the disease. The
copper chelating treatment may take up to six months to start working,
and physical therapy can assist in coping with ataxia, dystonia, and tremors, as well as preventing the development of contractures that can result from dystonia.
Maintenance therapy is more important than rehab.
Relaxation technique is more important to maintain the position and
posture.To reduce hyper-activeness use sedative otherwise due
to hyper activeness rigidity will increase and result will be
dislocation/fracture/injury of
some joints/bones or muscle/ligament injury. To avoid torticollis maintain the
position of neck and do the proper exercise and stretching.
Use cock-up splint to maintain hand position and use L-splint or night
splint to maintain ankle position, proper positioning of spine to
avoid scoliosis and kyphosis. Maintain sitting position 2-3 hours twice
The article is compiled, so ni copyright is claimed.
A 2014 article in the medical journal Pediatrics summarized the
current research and has concluded that a specific exercise routine,
known as neuromuscular training, greatly reduces the risk of knee
injuries in young female athletes.
This neuromuscular training
routine has been coined "Pre-habilitation" because it is performed
before and throughout the sporting season. The comprehensive research
results have shown a reduction in Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
tears by 72 per cent, thereby avoiding surgery and/or a prolonged
rehabilitation. The ACL is one of four major ligaments that
stabilize the knee. There has been an increase in the number of ACL
injuries over the past 20 years, with the rate being higher for females
compared to males within similar sports. Interestingly, the majority of
ACL injuries occur without any external contact by another player.
risk of ACL injury in athletes sharply increases at adolescence (12-13
years old for girls; 14-15 years old for boys), with girls having a
significantly higher risk until adulthood. This occurs because of what
is called a 'motor-machine mismatch', where the body is growing faster
then what the neuromuscular system can control it. Anatomical
differences also contribute to increased risk for girls, and boys
appear to be partially protected because of increased testosterone at
puberty which accelerates muscle growth and strength.
injury, with or without surgery, will require many months of
rehabilitation, and can be very disruptive to a young person due to
time lost from school and sports. According to local Orthopaedic
Surgeon, Dr. Stephen Sohmer, a young athlete with a complete ACL tear
will almost certainly require surgery in order to return to sporting
activity. An untreated ACL tear increases the risk of irreversible
damage to other knee structures, and premature arthritis later in life.
He supports pre-activity training programs for all young athletes in
order to prevent an ACL tear in the first place.
training works by preparing the body to perform sport specific
movements in a way that reduces risk of injury during pivoting,
landing, or unexpected loading of the knee. This is particularly
relevant to any athlete that plays a sport requiring sprinting,
pivoting, cutting, jumping, or landing (such as soccer, volleyball,
lacrosse, football, baseball, or basketball).
i. Educational Qualification: Degree in Physiotherapy from
recognized University & having good academic record;
ii. Desirable: Master in Physiotherapy;
iii. Experience: One year Teaching/Clinical/Research
experience in recognized Institution/College/Government Hospital/ University/
Autonomous body.
How to apply: Online applications can be uploaded on
OR within 30 days from the date of publication of
this advertisement
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any responsibility about the jobs. One should do proper inquiry before joining.
Physiotherapist Walk-in Interview for Rashtriya Bal Swasthya
Karyakram at Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, U.T.
A Walk-in Interview is fixed on 8/7/2014 10:00 AM in the
for filling up the below mentioned post in on short term contract
basis under National Rural Health Mission- District Early Intervention Center.
Post Name: Physiotherapist
No. of vacancy: 01
Job Type: Contractual
Qualification: Bachelor of Physiotherapy with 2 years
experience in the field.
Consolidated salary: Rs.25000/-
Interview Date: 8th July, 2014 10:00 AM
To apply, eligible candidates may forward their applications
to the Office of Mission Director, NRHM, Secretariat, Silvassa, Dadra and Nagar
Haveli with one set of attested photocopy of educational qualification and
experience certificates.
For more details visit-
Job Type- Temporary Eligibility:BPT with 3 year/MPT with 1 year Salary:16,000/Month Walk-In Interview:8 July 2014 Venue: Mini Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, AMC Building, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Medical College Campus, Trivandrum -11
For more
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any responsibility about the jobs. One should do proper inquiry before joining.
Here in this video, the Nordic Hamstring Exercise is explained. This is a
hamstring strain prevention protocol for those involved in sprinting
sports (soccer, football, rugby etc).
Physiotherapy is used to alleviate the fatigue associated with treatment of different types of cancers, mesothelioma, physical therapy helps in recovery from surgery and the devastating effects ofchemotherapyor radiation,Physiotherapy
improves strength and balance, and fitness in general, as well as
injury prevention, physical therapy helps to restore and improve the
movement in order to achieve long-term quality of life of
patients.Physiotherapy exercises work to improve the ability to use
parts of the body affected by the disease or cancer. Exercises can help
in physical therapy to keep joints and strengthen the surrounding
muscles. Patients undergoing treatment for cancer Alsdropleural, mesothelioma,
and underwent surgery to remove part of the lung or abdomen in order to
fight the effects of surgery in the body's internal structures after
the operation. For this reason, many breast cancer patients receive
physical therapy to strengthen the chest or abdomen. Patients undergoing treatment for malignant mesothelioma receive treatment program rooted on one or more Manalalajat following surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
Almost all of these treatments require a certain level of strength and
improve the heart, whether before or after treatment. Especially
patients with malignant mesothelioma,
and shall train the heart and blood vessels in helping patients that
are being prepared to breathe freely before and after care of cancer
It is important to know well is not the only source of the strength of patients with malignant mesothelioma,
but it plays an important role to achieve treatment and cure of disease
are many and as diverse as breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer and
prostate cancer. This is done by encouraging patients who are fighting
the side effects for all types of cancer. Sometimes be cured by chemotherapy, mesotheliomais
difficult, given that one of the chemotherapy for a long-term side
effects is a general feeling tired. And natural treatment can help in
the long term follow up of patients who suffer from fatigue.
Organisation: All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi
No. of Posts: 3 (Three)
Educational Requirements:
(i) Inter (Science)
(ii) Degree in Physiotherapy
Pay Scale: Rs. 26,000/-
Walk-in Interview Date: 21-07-2014
to report for walk-in interview:
The Seminar Room,
6th Floor, Neuro-Sciences Centre,
AIIMS, Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi-110029 between 10 AM & 11.30 AM
This post is purely for helping other Physiotherapists. This site doesn't take
any responsibility about the jobs. One should do proper inquiry before joining.